If you are interested in scheduling a time to meet with your student's teacher to discuss their academic progress, please sign up for a date on our Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up Form.
Sadie Hawkins Dance on Saturday, February 3rd
1st Semester Honor Roll
Concurrent Enrollment Classes: Drop & Withdrawal Deadlines
FAFSA Application Form
High School Volunteer Opportunities
Signed Course Registration Forms
Weld RE-4 School District to Host Teen Marijuana Prevention Talk for Parents January 23
Concession Stand Gift Cards Now Available
Does your student continually ask for cash to go to the concession stand? Surprise them with a digital gift card they can use to purchase snacks! Families can purchase a gift card at the concession stand or online.
Virtual College Counselors Visit
PSAT/SAT Practice Testing
When students return from winter break, all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will take the PSAT/SAT practice tests on Thursday, January 11th and Friday, January 12th from 8:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. All 9th through 11th graders must report to school for these assessments. Seniors do not need to report until 10:15 a.m.
Finals Week Schedule: Early Release on December 19th & 20th
Thank You, Cafe Mexicali!
Graduation Update
Aims Community College Update
NHS Monthly Student Newsletter
12 Days of Christmas - Parent Donations Needed
WCA’s High School PTC will be sponsoring two of the events for the “12 Days of Christmas” celebration for staff members! If you would like to support this event, we are in need of donations! Please sign up here to donate to the cookie exchange on December 14th.
Aims Community College: Bill Payments
2024 Future Teachers Conference
UNC's College of Education and Behavioral Sciences will be hosting the 9th annual Future Teachers Conference on Friday, February 2nd from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Presented by the School of Teacher Education, the conference is an excellent way for students to explore a teaching career in an interactive and welcoming campus environment.
Ms. Seneca's Counselor Corner: Sources of Strength Thankfulness Campaign
Sources of Strength is doing the Thankfulness Campaign this month.! Studies have shown that practicing gratitude can have powerful positive impacts on your brain and life.