Vaping and Drug Use Safety Seminar

Each year, Windsor Charter Academy’s Safety Committee hosts a series of parent seminars related to student and school safety. Last week, Mr. Steve Wrenn, Chief Deputy District Attorney of Weld County, presented on the topic of cyber safety. The full recording for that presentation can be found on our website.

On Thursday, November 12th at 6:00 p.m., WCA will host its second seminar on the topic of vaping and drug use. This seminar will be held via Zoom. To register for the event, please click here and details to access the seminar will be sent to your inbox. This event is open to the general public!

During this seminar, Detectives Alec Doocy and Thomas Olson from the Windsor Police Department will discuss how to identify signs and physical symptoms of vaping and the various ways drugs can be consumed. They will also talk about the difference between tobacco products and THC products. In addition, they will provide descriptions of what various vaping tools and accessories look like. The presentation will cover a wide variety of commonly used drugs, such as marijuana, designer drugs, opioid and prescription drugs, as well as harder drugs, such as methamphetamine and heroin.

For more information on this and future seminars, please visit our website. We appreciate your commitment to keeping our students and community safe!

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