High School Extracurricular Programs

Windsor Charter Academy is proud to offer several extracurricular programs for our high school students! Please check below for a full list of activities. We are excited to further engage our students through these enrichment programs!


Esports takes video gaming to another level with organized competitive gameplay between two teams, governed by its own strict set of rules and guidelines. This club demands critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and creativity in order for students to succeed.

Grades: 9th - 12th graders

Meeting Dates: TBD

Meeting Times: TBD

Location: TBD

Cost: $100

Contact: For questions, please reach out to Mr. West.

Firebird News Crew

Windsor Charter Academy has established its first student-led news crew! High school students can serve as paid reporters or volunteers. The students will report on sports games, performing arts productions, and other after-school events!

  • Students are paid $14 per hour for up to 42 hours of work for the year (students 15 years and older are paid; students 15 years and younger can earn volunteer hours)

  • Flexible schedule

  • Mentorship by professional writers and photographers

Grades: 9th - 12th grader

Registration: Students interested in participating in the Firebird News Crew must submit a resume and letter of recommendation. For more information, please contact Mrs. Sanders.

Meeting Dates: Firebird News Crew meetings are every other Tuesday throughout the school year.

Meeting Times: High school lunch

Location: Classroom #2021

Contact: Please contact Mrs. Sanders with questions.

Game Club

Game Club is open to all grades and is intended to give students an opportunity to interact with others in a fun and competitive environment! The most common games played are Magic the Gathering, chess, checkers, role-playing games, and any other game available in the Media Center. Game Club runs the entire school year and students can join at any point in the year. Game Club has operated for over 8 years and it is Windsor Charter Academy’s longest running club!

Grades: 6th - 12th grade

Registration: For more information on how to join Game Club, please reach out to Mr. Crompton.

Meeting Dates: Every Friday, from August through May, except on days when school is not in session.

Meeting Times: 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. Students can leave early if they have pre-arranged transportation.

Location: Media Center

Cost: None

Contact: For questions, please reach out to Mr. Crompton.


Math League Competitive Math Team

All high schoolers are invited to register for our award-winning Math League competitive math team! This year-long club meets weekly from September through April. Team members are eligible to apply to become members of Mu Alpha Theta, the high school and 2-year college Math National Honor Society. Members compete in regional, state, and national math contests, participate in service projects, and attend a National Math Convention in the summer. Students engage in rich, deep, non-routine, advanced reasoning, and problem-solving skills. In addition, students compete in individual and collaborative contests, have the opportunity to serve in leadership positions, and are eligible to apply for thousands of dollars in college scholarships and grants.

Grades: 9th - 12th graders

Registration Cap: None

Meeting Dates: September through May

Meeting Times: Thursdays at 7:00 a.m. and Tuesdays during lunch

Location: Classrooms #259 and #251

Cost: $25 per student

Contact: Please contact Mrs. Holt with questions.

Mock Trial

Are you interested in law, debate, or public speaking? In this club, students will practice trial concepts and learn courtroom procedures, rules of evidence, and how to make objections. Students will build skills in legal strategy, critical thinking, and public speaking. Each participant will write opening and closing statements, prepare direct and cross-examinations, and anticipate possible objections and responses. This is an excellent way to deepen your understanding of the legal system!

We’ll prepare a team of students to compete in the Colorado Bar Association Mock Trial Competition, happening on February 21st and 22nd, 2025, at the Larimer County Justice Center in Northern Colorado. Once the case is released on November 1, we’ll dive into preparing our arguments and roles. It’s a fantastic opportunity to experience the courtroom and connect with like-minded peers! Ready to make your case? Join us!

Grades: 9th - 12th grade

Registration: For more information on how to join Mock Trail, please reach out to Ms. Corn.

Meeting Dates: Mondays and Wednesdays, with some weekends to prepare for trial.

Meeting Times: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Location: TBD

Cost: TBD

Contact: For questions, please reach out to Ms. Corn.

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National Honor Society

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Windsor Charter Academy is proud to have an active National Honor Society (NHS)! NHS elevates our school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four pillars have been associated with NHS since its inception in 1921. Chapter membership recognizes students for their accomplishments and challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service. As such, NHS chapters and students are in schools that care about student achievement and community engagement. NHS students and their peers volunteer to prioritize serving their community.

Grades: 10th - 12th graders

Registration: Students are inducted into the National Honor Society each year. For selection criteria and procedures, please see Articles IV and V of the Chapter Bylaws of the Phoenix Chapter of the Windsor Charter Academy National Honor Society.

Meeting Dates: August through May of each school year

Meeting Times: Monthly meetings will held before school from 7:15 to 8:00 a.m. and as needed during high school ELO.

Location: Firebird Facility

Cost: $25

Contact: For questions, please contact Mrs. Hicks or Mr. Mulder.

Origami Club

Are you curious about art and geometry, or just love creating cool designs? In Origami Club, we’ll dive into modular origami, a Japanese paper-folding technique where several identical pieces of paper, called modules, are folded and assembled—without any glue! Together, we'll create amazing 3D geometric shapes called polyhedra.

In this club, students will learn how to make intricate shapes in various colors and styles, while also discovering some of their fascinating mathematical properties. It’s a fun and informal way to explore geometry beyond the classroom and make connections to what students have learned in past math courses.

Grades: 9th - 12th grade

Registration: For more information on how to join Mock Trail, please reach out to Dr. Trejo.

Meeting Dates: TBD

Meeting Times: TBD

Location: TBD

Cost: TBD

Contact: For questions, please reach out to Dr. Trejo.

Speech & Debate

Speech and Debate is a combination of public speaking, acting, and debating with others in a competitive manner. Windsor Charter Academy categorizes this into three main categories—interpretation events, supplemental events, and debate events. Interpretation events include the interpretation of humorous, dramatic, and poetic literature that is performed in accordance with established rules and in a certain time frame. Debate events include three of the most common forms of high school debate—Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate, and Congressional Debate. Supplemental Events include Original Oratory (a self-written piece that is informative and persuasive), International and National Extemporaneous Speaking, Program Oral Interpretation, and Informative Speaking.

Grades: 9th - 12th graders

Meeting Dates: October through May

Meeting Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Location: Room 189

Cost: $100

Contact: For questions, please contact Mr. Innocenti

Student-Athlete Leadership Team (SALT)

The Student-Athlete Leadership Team’s (SALT) mission is to enhance the total student-athlete experience by promoting opportunity, protecting student-athlete welfare, and fostering a positive student-athlete image.

Grades: 8th - 12th graders

Meeting Dates: August through May of each school year

Meeting Times: Every other week on Tuesdays during lunch

Location: Room 186

Cost: None

Contact: For questions, please contact Mr. West.

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Student Council

Windsor Charter Academy is proud to have an incredibly active Student Council at our high school! Students are engaged in a variety of school activities, including organizing food drives for local food banks, and donation drives for non-profits such as Homeward Alliance, the Denver Street School, and Hope Academy. In addition, Student Council helps plan school dances, spirit weeks, Homecoming Week, College Week, and Prom.

Grades: 9th - 12th graders

Registration Cap: Based on annual elections.

Meeting Dates: Student generally meet on Wednesdays during ELO Class

Meeting Times: 10:44 a.m. to 11:32 a.m.

Location: TBD

Cost: None

Contact: Please contact Mrs. Ringlein with questions.


Windsor Charter Academy’s High School Theatre Club puts on a variety of performances each school year. Productions have included Anastasia, Pride & Prejudice, Legally Blonde, and many others.

Grades: 9th - 12th graders

Registration Cap: None

Meeting Dates: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

Meeting Times: 6:00 p.m.

Location: ES Stage

Cost: $65

Contact: Please contact Dr. Bilotte with questions.


Is your student interested in engineering, design, building, or programming? We invite all students to participate in VEX Robotics! Windsor Charter Academy’s award-winning VEX Robotics program was established five years ago, and our teams have qualified for the state competition every year. In 2019, a WCA team won the state championships, and in 2022, a WCA team qualified for the world championships!

VEX Robotics is the largest and fastest-growing middle school and high school robotics program globally, with more than 20,000 teams from 50 countries participating in over 1,700 competitions worldwide. Through VEX Robotics, students learn STEM skills, including engineering, project management, and critical thinking. To learn more about VEX Robotics at our school, click here!

Grades: 9th - 12th grade

Registration: To register, please email Mrs. Hicks.

Parent Informational Meeting: Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Meeting Dates: Every Tuesday and Thursday that school is in session beginning on September 7, 2024

Meeting Times: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Location: STEM Classroom #259

Cost: There is a $250 fee associated with VEX Robotics to help pay for the equipment, team registration, and attending events. Teams try to attend 8 to 10 events across the Front Range a year.

Contact: If a student is interested in learning more about VEX Robotics, please email Mrs. Hicks.

STUDENT-Initiated Organizations

To start a student-initiated organization at Windsor Charter Academy, please click here. We encourage our students to start organizations about topics they are interested in! The 2024-25 student-initiated clubs are:

  • Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)

  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

  • Pickleball Club

Community Organizations

  • Civil Air Patrol

  • Optimist Club


Windsor Charter Academy does not provide medication administration for extracurricular activities unless the school nurse is notified of need. Medication administration will not be available for student-initiated clubs, drop-in events, or non-school sponsored events. Please see the parent handbook for more information regarding medication administration during non-school hours events.