2025 WCA Board Elections
The Windsor Charter Academy Election Committee seeks candidates to fill two positions on our Executive Board. On February 11th, the Election Committee will begin accepting applications from potential candidates. Executive Board Members serve as unpaid volunteers but contribute significantly to the leadership and strategic direction of our schools. The term for each position is three years.
For those interested in running as an Executive Board candidate, please submit a Board Candidate Application to elections@windsorcharteracademy.org by Tuesday, February 25th. Applications can be downloaded as a Microsoft Word document, completed, and submitted.
Potential candidates must have attended a minimum of two Board meetings in the year of their intended candidacy or volunteered for a minimum of thirty-five hours within the twelve months prior to their candidacy. Volunteer hours can either be served at Windsor Charter Academy or at another organization that can verify service hours.
February 25th: Board Candidate Applications are due.
March 6th: Board Candidate Training at 6:30 p.m. via Google Meet
The Election Committee will meet with candidates to review the election process, politicking guidelines, opportunities, rules, etc. Meeting invitations will be sent directly to candidates.
March 13th: Candidate biography and photo are due.
March 20th: Executive Board Meeting and Candidate Town Hall at 6:00 p.m. in the MS/HS Media Center.
Candidates will attend the March Executive Board meeting to present their candidate speech. All speeches will be recorded and sent to our parent community.
Each candidate will receive questions from the WCA parent community at the Board Meeting. Please complete this form if a parent/guardian cannot attend the Town Hall and would like to submit a question to the candidates.
April 10th: Parent/guardian email addresses must be updated in Infinite Campus by noon on Thursday, April 10th, in order to receive an email with a unique link to vote. To update your contact information in Infinite Campus, please click here.
April 14th through 23rd: In-person voting begins. Parents/guardians can complete a physical ballot and submit it in a secure voting box at each school's front office. A government-issued ID is required to verify your identity.
April 21st through 23rd:
April 21st: Online voting begins at 3:00 p.m. An email with voting instructions will be sent to parents/guardians.
April 23rd: Online voting ends at 3:00 p.m.
April 24th: Election results are announced if all candidates have been notified.
We encourage all stakeholders to email the Election Committee at elections@windsorcharteracademy.org with questions regarding the election process and Board member requirements. We look forward to your support and participation!