UCHealth 5210+ Challenge

The Healthy Kids 5210+ Challenge sponsored by UCHealth started on Monday, February 1, 2021. The 5210+ Challenge is a great way to reinforce healthy habits with children. The number 5210+ represents:

  • 5 fruits and vegetables per day;

  • 2 hours or less of recreational screen time per day;

  • 1 hour of exercise per day;

  • 0 sugary drinks per day; and

  • (+) 9 or more hours of sleep.

Students and families can track 5210+ habits on the 5210+ English log or 5210+ Spanish log. For more details about the 5210+ Challenge, please watch this two-minute video.

Here are written details and frequently asked questions about the challenge:

Windsor Charter Academy has the opportunity to earn up to $1,500 worth of PE equipment and school wellness initiatives if we meet the challenge with enough participation.
