We are excited to offer opportunities for our 4th and 5th-grade students to participate in intramural sports at the elementary school! If you are interested in serving as an intramural coach, and earning a paid stipend, please reach out to Chrissy Jones. If you have a passion for working with children, please consider applying!
We need club advisors and coaches for the following activities:
Girl's Basketball
Dates: Every Monday and Wednesday from January 8th through February 5th. There will be no session held on January 20th.
Boy's Basketball
Dates: Every Monday and Wednesday from February 10th through March 10th. There will be no session held on February 17th.
Coed Soccer
Dates: Every Monday and Wednesday from April 14th through May 7th
Advisors and coaches are needed to hold these activities for our 4th and 5th-grade students. With your help, we can offer more opportunities for our students!