Parking Lot Procedures

Spring is in the air! It is a good time to review our parking lot procedures. Please note that all parents must enter on Firebird Way north of the soccer field. As students are dropped off/ picked up, parents will need to drop off/pick up from the right lane only. To ensure student safety, students will not be allowed to be dropped off in the left hand moving lane and cross over the right-hand lane where cars are dropping off students. Once students are dropped off, parents may pull into the left moving lane and exit one of two ways out of the parking lot.

We ask all parents, grandparents, caretakers, and/or guardians who drop off or pick up our students adhere to the following requests:

  • Please remember to be patient and respectful at all times during drop off and pick up. 

  • Please drive slowly and cautiously as there will be students getting out of or into vehicles. 

  • Pull all the way forward before letting your student get in or out of your vehicle. 

  • There is to be no parking on Automation Drive during the drop off and pick up times. Please use the parking lot on the north side of the building for parking. 

  • Please do not talk on your cell phones during the drop off and pick up times to ensure the safety of all our students. 

  • Please model appropriate behavior by utilizing the crosswalk at all times. 

As always, please remember that safety comes first and foremost! 

Students and parents who need to park must still enter at Firebird Way but should continue in the left lane until they reach the north entrance of the parking lot. There is no student drop off or pick up in the parking lot lanes to allow students and parents to park or leave parking spaces quickly and safely.
