Annual Report on Concurrent Enrollment

The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) recently released their Annual Report on Concurrent Enrollment in Colorado. WCA is excited to be a part of our state’s growing concurrent enrollment programs!

There are many positive data points to review, including the following highlights taken from the CDE’s and CDHE’s full press release:

  • Statewide, 50,416 students participated in dual enrollment programs of any type.  

  • Concurrent enrollment continues to see sustained increases in participation, up more than 11% statewide with 34,519 students participating. 

  • High school students attempted 293,820 concurrent enrollment credit hours. The average number of credit hours attempted per student was 8.5 with an average of 8 credit hours passed. 

  • Participation in concurrent enrollment increased among students of color.  

  • More than 40% of students who participated in ASCENT in 2018-2019 were Latinx or Hispanic, a racial/ethnic group historically underrepresented in postsecondary education. 

  • 3,116 high school students earned some type of postsecondary credential after participating in concurrent enrollment or ASCENT programs. 

  • Two-year institutions saw the biggest percentage increase in concurrent enrollment participation with a 10.8 percentage point increase.

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