Join us on Tuesday, December 10th for our MS/HS Winter Music Concert & Art Show held in the Firebird Facility high school gym. Middle school students will perform starting at 5:30 p.m. followed by high school students starting at around 6:30 p.m. WCA’s Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Bella Voce, High School Mixed Choir, Mixed Ensemble, and Jazz Band will perform a variety of musical pieces they have prepared this semester.
Change to Aims Community College Bill Payments
Please be aware you may be receiving a bill from Aims Community College in the mail. This bill is for your student's administration fees and online fees. You are only responsible for the $25 administrative fee. Windsor Charter Academy pays the tuition portion of the bill if the class is taken on our campus.
Senior Reminders
Absentee Phone Calls
Part-Time Position Opening for a HS Paraprofessional
Dropping Off Items for HS Students
MS/HS Veterans Day Assembly
Windsor Charter Academy welcomes families and veterans to our Veterans Day Assembly on November 11th in the Firebird Facility Gym! The assembly will begin at 2:15 p.m., but visitor check-in will start at 1:45 p.m. at the south door of the Firebird Facility. We are excited to honor those who have served our country!
Halloween Costume Contest
Donate to Teacher Appreciation Luncheon & Snack Cart
The HS Parent-Teacher Club will host a Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, November 13th. This luncheon will be a potluck-style soup and salad bar set up in the high school teacher lounge. Please use this link to volunteer to bring items for this event!
Ms. Seneca's Counselor Corner: Motivation Tips
The HS Music Concert Was a Success!
UNC Math Contest Open to 6-12 Graders
SAT Testing
Theatre Performance of "A Christmas Carol"
Donations Needed for Teacher Snack Cart
Daniels Scholarship Program
The Daniels Scholarship Program is available to WCA students. The deadline of October 18th is quickly approaching!
Student Assembly
Picture Retake Day
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Colorado Application Days During College Week
Colorado's sixth annual Free Applications Day will be held from October 15th through 17th for Colorado residents! Our college counselors will be here on October 15th to assist our seniors with submitting their Common Applications to Colorado colleges.