Each week, students are nominated by our teachers to receive a Friday Firebird Award. This award is given to students who set a wonderful example by demonstrating one of the Habits of Mind!
Connor C., a 9th grader, was recognized as a Firebird Award winner! Dr. Innocenti shared, “Connor drastically improved his writing style in his college history course this semester. He took the time to regrade two independent writing projects. He worked closely with the instructor to achieve clarity of language through strong sources. His third and final paper in the fall semester demonstrated a willingness to improve!”
Autumn S., a 10th grader, was recognized as a Firebird Award winner! Dr. Innocenti and Mr. Ramming shared, “Autumn competed in an intense Speech and Debate Tournament and a strenuous basketball game last week. Autumn won her Lincoln-Douglas Competition with a compelling argument on the impact of a wealth tax on the United States. She then traveled 30 miles to compete in a tough basketball game. Both of her coaches are very proud of her commitment and work ethic. Great job, Autumn!”
Walker P., an 11th grader, was recognized as a Firebird Award winner! Dr. Trejo shared, “Walker's test scores have shown significant improvement! He's really committed to his learning process and is engaged during calculus class, especially when solving challenging problems!”
Isaiah C., an 11th grader, was recognized as a Firebird Award winner! Dr. Trejo shared, “Isaiah has shown a genuine interest in learning advanced math concepts. He doesn't give up easily when he makes a mistake and always keeps trying. His sense of humor helps him see any difficult situation positively. Way to go, Isaiah!”
Jessica M., a 12th grader, was recognized as a Firebird Award winner! Dr. Trejo shared, “Jessica has shown a deep understanding of calculus concepts and a genuine interest in learning new math tools. Her perseverance and discipline have been essential attributes that have led her to achieve her goals. Way to go, Jessica!”