Middle school is a whirlwind of change, and a significant part involves navigating the complex world of friendships and peer pressure. As parents and guardians, you play a crucial role in helping your child develop healthy social skills and make sound decisions.
CMAS Testing Schedule for Middle School Students
Students at Windsor Charter Academy will be taking their Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) tests in April! CMAS tests are meaningful and relevant assessments that support rigorous academic standards. The state’s summative tests measure students’ mastery of grade-level standards and growth over time.
St. Patrick's Day Spirit Wear
MS Spring Music Concert
MS Spring Dance: A Night in Hollywood
Volunteers Needed for MS Parent-Teacher Club
Counselor Corner: Creating Balance
Middle school is a time of growth, learning, and new opportunities, but it can also be overwhelming as students juggle school, extracurricular activities, and social time. As we look forward to the warmer weather and the school year’s end quickly approaching, it is a good time to remind us all about balance.
Beyond Sports: Presidents' Day Sports Camp at Windsor Rec Center
Coach Bruce Dick will host Beyond Sports: Presidents’ Day Basketball Camp on Monday, February 17th, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Windsor Recreation Center Auxiliary Gym. The camp is $35 per person and is open to 1st through 8th graders. Click here to register!
Counselor Corner: Registration Forms
8th Grade Continuation Photos Needed
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
Webinar Recording: High School Registration Night for 8th Grade Families
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Yearbook Deadline
8th-Grade Night at High School Basketball Game
Theatre Club Update
We wanted to inform our students and families that this year’s Spring Theatre Club production has been canceled. However, we are excited to share that, in an effort to provide more opportunities for students while balancing their academic and extracurricular commitments, new theatre electives have been introduced for the 2025-2026 school year!