In preparation for 8th Grade Continuation, we need pictures of 8th-grade students for their continuation video! One of the best elements of the 8th Grade Continuation Ceremony is the slideshow displaying pictures of our 8th graders at various stages of their childhood.
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
Webinar Recording: High School Registration Night for 8th Grade Families
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Mark your calendars! Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, February 13th, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the middle school gymnasium. Conferences will follow an open-house format, allowing families to meet with teachers at their convenience. To help manage wait times, we kindly ask families to attend during designated time slots based on last names.
Yearbook Deadline
8th-Grade Night at High School Basketball Game
Theatre Club Update
We wanted to inform our students and families that this year’s Spring Theatre Club production has been canceled. However, we are excited to share that, in an effort to provide more opportunities for students while balancing their academic and extracurricular commitments, new theatre electives have been introduced for the 2025-2026 school year!
8th Grade Families: HS Registration Night Webinar on January 13th
Counselor Corner: Preparing for Final Exams
Ugly Sweater Day and Holiday Pajama Day
Counselor Corner: Anxiety
Congratulations to the Cast of The Wizard of Oz!
In a wonderful showcase of talent and creativity, the Windsor Charter Academy Middle School Theatre Club took the stage last weekend in a charming adaptation of The Wizard of Oz! Under the theatrical direction of Kel Madigent and the musical guidance of Skye Montoya, the audience was taken on a journey down the yellow brick road.
Giving Tree
12 Days of Christmas - Let's Celebrate our Staff!
WCA’s Middle School PTC is sponsoring a few “12 Days of Christmas” events to celebrate our staff members! If you would like to support this event, we need donations! Please sign up here to donate.
MS/HS Winter Music Concert & Art Show
Join us on Tuesday, December 10th for our MS/HS Winter Music Concert & Art Show held in the Firebird Facility high school gym. Middle school students will perform starting at 5:30 p.m. followed by high school students starting at around 6:30 p.m. WCA’s Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Bella Voce, High School Mixed Choir, Mixed Ensemble, and Jazz Band will perform a variety of musical pieces they have prepared this semester.
High School Parent Information Meeting for 8th-Grade Families
Finals Week Schedule: Early Release on December 19th & 20th
Middle school students will do their iReady testing in English and math classes from November 18th through November 21st. Students will have review sessions and take their final exams from December 13th through 20th. On December 19th & 20th, students will take final exams and will be released early at 11:09 a.m.
Donate to Our Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
The MS Parent-Teacher Club is hosting a Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, November 13th! Families are asked to sign up to bring a dish or supplies for the meal. Let’s show our teachers how much we support them!
1st Quarter Honor Roll
Share Photos with our MS Yearbook Team
Do you have fun photos of our students that you would like to share with our MS yearbook team? If so, please use this link!