Resources, Workload, and Tips for In-Person Hybrid Learners (Group A and B)

Over the next few weeks in-person students can anticipate that the workload will gradually increase as students learn the basics of remote learning. Students can anticipate about 90 minutes of coursework in each core class while on remote learning days.

  • Core classes include language arts, math, science and history.

  • PE or Spanish : Each week students can expect about 45 minutes of remote work.

  • Art or Music: Each week students can expect about 90 minutes of remote work. 

Students can go to the homework website to see all of their upcoming assignments. Many parents also find it helpful to have the students’ passwords to Google Classroom and other programs so that they can offer support to their student. In the next week, teachers will begin entering grades into Infinite Campus (IC) which will provide parents weekly feedback on the quality of work students are producing.
