Mrs. Bratton's Counselor Corner: World Kindness Day

This Saturday, November 13th is World Kindness Day! Learn more about World Kindness Day at In this season of gratitude, practicing kindness for yourself and others can help build an attitude of gratitude. Here are some ideas to practice kindness and gratitude with your family:

  • Send a letter of thanks

  • Share 3 things you are grateful for on a car ride

  • Talk about your High, Lows, and Grows (high point of the day, low point of the day, and something you are working on) at the dinner table

  • Go on a gratitude walk (find things you are grateful for - big and small) when you are feeling frustrated or overwhelmed

  • Recognize accomplishments and celebrate

  • Send a care package

  • Practice your favorite form of self-care activities

  • Share a positive note of encouragement via text, social media, even handwritten

  • Rake a neighbor’s yard