Counselor Corner: Bullying

Bullying is defined as an imbalance of power, such as physical strength or access to embarrassing information, to control or harm others with the potential of the power imbalance changing over time. Bullying behaviors happen more than once, showing a pattern of repetition.

While our top priority at Windsor Charter Academy is to educate our students, to teach them to speak with good purpose and to report bullying behavior while at school, or utilize Safe 2 Tell, we ask for parents/guardians to partner with us to educate our students. When families play a part in bully prevention, students are 11% less likely to be bullied on school property, 10 % less likely to be electronically bullied, 6% less likely to skip school because they did not feel safe, and 5% less likely to report witnessing bullying. Bullying behavior is not okay. To make an anonymous report call Safe 2 Tell at 1-877-542-7233, visit, or have your student talk to their trusted adult at school.