Box Tops Competition

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Join our Box Tops class competition and help our school raise money! We will collect the traditional pink Box Tops from now through March 19. The class with the most Box Tops collected will receive an extra recess in April. 

The traditional Box Top labels are pink. Pink Box Tops can be clipped and brought to school to be redeemed for cash. Please make sure of the following before submitting a Box Top:

  1. Please check the date on the bottom of the Box Top to make sure they are not expired. Expired Box Tops are not valid.

  2. Please clip or carefully tear the Box Top label. Any torn, taped, or damaged labels are not valid.

  3. Please do not write on the labels as this voids the coupon.

  4. Students should turn trimmed Box Tops into their classroom teacher with the teacher's name clearly written on the bag or envelope.

Pink Box Tops that can be cut out will be phased out and replaced with new blue scannable Box Tops. Box Tops for Education now offers an app which allows us to scan your store receipt and instantly add Box Tops to our school's account. There are bonus coupons and sweepstakes to earn more money for our school. The new digital Box Tops are blue and can only be scanned, they cannot be clipped and submitted for cash. 

The app for the new scannable Box Tops is available in both the Apple App Store and Google Pay store. It is easy to install and set up. Then all you have to do is scan and go!  Our school information is:


  • School ID:  591127