Thank you to all of our families for your patience over the last week with our pick-up and drop-off processes!
We have a few reminders for our parents:
If you have designated your child as a walker, please determine a place to meet your child that is not in one of our pick-up lines. Reminder: Walkers are those who walk to a residence, the middle/high school building, or a parent’s or relative’s place of business.
The front office is not a designated pick-up location. It is to be used only for emergencies or appointments. Please try to pick students up for appointments before 2:45 p.m. to allow office staff to assist with Driveline pickup.
For Diamond Valley drop-off in the mornings, please drop off along the east end of Diamond Valley, where staff and parents should be stationed, and have students walk north on the sidewalk to the crosswalk and cross. Parents who need to park to either help their children out of the car or who want to walk them across the crosswalk are asked to pull around and park on the north side of Garden Drive.
The west parking lot is for staff parking only; it is not a drive-thru drop-off zone.
Please arrive at school at the time assigned to you with your Driveline number; a staggard flow helps traffic congestion.
Driveline numbers are entered only for families in the correct pick-up line. Please do not walk up with your Driveline number.
Please do not block driveways or intersections out of respect for our neighboring businesses.
After dropping your student off, please use your turn signal.
To keep traffic moving, please allow those who have already picked up their child to merge back into the driving lane.
Garden Drive
When picking up students on Garden Drive, please use Automation Drive. This will allow drivers to make a right onto Garden Drive and be safe while waiting in line.
Remember, there is no stopping, parking, or standing on Garden Drive between Hwy 257 and Automation Drive.
Turning onto Garden from Hwy257 for pick-up will back up traffic and cause delays in getting to the pickup location for you and other families.
Safety Reminders
Children should not approach moving vehicles during pick-up.
Drivers should continue pulling forward to allow as many vehicles as possible to load or unload children. This is especially important on Garden Drive.
Drivers need to stay in their vehicles.
Please talk to your child about safely entering and exiting a vehicle during drop-off and pick-up. Students have dropped items, like water bottles, when getting out of the car without drivers noticing.
If you and/or your student bike to and from school, please remember to dismount and walk your bike on the school campus and driveline locations.
Drivers should stay off of their cell phones. Drivers need to monitor the pick-up lines to ensure the line continues to move forward and that they are not behind a parked car.
Make sure your student is ready to exit when the door is opened. Please encourage your student to enter or exit the vehicle even if no one can assist. Students should enter and exit vehicles on the passenger side closest to the sidewalk.
Thank you for your vigilance in keeping our students and staff safe!