The Eight Keys of Excellence Family Program: Integrity

The Eight Keys of Excellence Family program deepens family relationships, opens lines of communication, and provides young people with eight proven life principles. Families can register for The Eight Keys of Excellence Family Program on their website and download the Program Packet.

In October, we are focusing on INTEGRITY.

  • INTEGRITY: Match behavior with values. Demonstrate your positive personal values in all you do and say. Be sincere and real.

  • Student-Friendly Definition: My actions and values are aligned. I do the right thing even when no one is watching. 

Living in integrity means that everything we say and everything we do are true reflections of what we value, what’s important to us. Think about what your behavior says about you. Does it clearly show others what you value? Do you show up as honest and committed, or dishonest and indifferent? Are you spending your time with the people and activities you value, or is your focus elsewhere?

When we live in integrity we are sincere and true to ourselves—we don’t say or think one thing and do another. People trust and respect us, our relationships are solid, and we feel good about ourselves. Those positive feelings from others and within ourselves reinforce our values and build our reputation and self-esteem, leading us to greater success in all areas of our lives.