Band Update

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The band room has been relatively quiet this fall, but with the help of our high school administrative team and extensive consultation with our school’s Registered Nurse, Sara Ibarra, that may be able to change very soon!

Many national and international groups have conducted research on how and where music can be played safely and how aerosol droplets behave when expelled from a person playing a wind instrument. Based on our group’s study of the findings from that research, guidance from the Colorado Department of Education, as well as taking into consideration the layout of our band room, a plan on how to return to playing instruments at Windsor Charter Academy has been constructed.  This plan may need to be adjusted as new information on Covid-19 becomes available and/or one of the above groups decides we need to make adjustments for various other reasons.

General Procedures

  • Wind players will be required to use bell covers. Student band funds have been used to purchase bell covers for all musicians that play wind instruments.  These covers are intended to mitigate and absorb particles that exit the instrument as a person plays. Students are expected to care for and wash these items. Should a cover be lost or damaged beyond use due to negligence, students will be asked to pay for a replacement cover. These are personal items that will not be returned to the school.

  • Students will be required to use masks as per school rules, except when actively playing a wind instrument.  Percussion players will wear masks at all times.

  • Students will always be distanced a minimum of 6 feet away from other students when playing.

Indoor and Outdoor Play

  • When the weather cooperates, students will play instruments outside on the basketball court. Equipment will be taken outside as needed. Students are asked to have a jacket with them when the weather is cool. If it is not too cold, students will play outside during class time.

  • When it is too cold or wet outside, students will play inside.  No more than 11 students may be in the room playing and/or spectating, per state guidelines. 

  • When inside, students may not play for more than 30 minutes and then must leave the room to clear for an hour before students may have class in the area again. Students will have study hall time or other class activities will be scheduled when they are unable to play.


We will continue to monitor rules and regulations surrounding concerts and will communicate plans once they are made.  If an in-person performance is not possible as we approach December, a digital performance might be an option for administration to consider.

Please contact Mrs. Frazee or Mrs. Mancina if you have any questions!