National Honor Society Update

Windsor Charter Academy has an active chapter of National Honor Society! Each month, NHS students plan to share a few highlights of the activities they participate in. We are proud of our NHS students for their commitment to their chapter and for volunteering in our community!


October Highlights for NHS

Individual Service Project

  • Grace R.: Grace R. is a junior at Windsor Charter Academy and a new member of NHS. She is interested in horses and has weekly lessons with her horse trainer. Grace’s plan for her service project is to repay her trainer with 15 hours of service as a barn hand. She plans to help her instructor clean and muck horse stalls, clean and refill water buckets, clean alleys, and fix anything that is broken in the barn. Grace plans to begin helping her trainer during Thanksgiving break to express her gratitude for their lessons.

  • Marjorie (Maggie) A.: In October, Maggie launched a month-long pumpkin scavenger hunt for high school students. This activity put some fun back into the lives of WCA students! The winners of this scavenger hunt were awarded a small candy prize. Students were entered into a raffle for the chance to donate $50 to a charity of their choice in either Weld or Larimer County. 

Halloween Committee Events

The NHS Halloween Committee is planning several events for the upcoming holiday. Our high school will celebrate with an in-school costume contest and candy handout on October 30th. Students can come to school dressed in their best costumes for the chance to win an Amazon gift card!