Let's Help Our Mu Alpha Theta Math Team Travel to Myrtle Beach

Windsor Charter Academy’s high school Mu Alpha Theta Math Team is raising funds to send 15 members of their math team to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to attend their annual math convention! Please consider helping our students raise funds to attend this week-long immersive math experience. Students will have the opportunity to attend various math competitions and presentations and be exposed to real-life applications of math.

Mu Alpha Theta (MAΘ) is a nationwide Mathematics Honor Society serving high school students and two-year colleges. MAΘ is dedicated to encouraging students to excel in the field of mathematics and pursue math and other STEM-related careers.

By participating in MAΘ, Windsor Charter Academy students have the opportunity to be rewarded with grants, scholarships, and other special awards. Our team members participate in local and regional math competitions and won first place at the Colorado State University Math Day State Competition this year.

Members of our team participate in service projects throughout the year helping to serve the Windsor community. Our team members also help tutor other math students at our school!

Last summer, our high school Mu Alpha Theta Math Team was given a substantial first-time attendee grant to attend the annual convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our students would like to participate in this convention again this year and need your support. Please consider helping our students reach their goal of attending the Mu Alpha Theta Math Convention this year!

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