Ms. Seneca's Counseling Corner

Here are some useful time management tips on days students are working from home. Students should:

  • Keep the same bedtime and morning routines and stay on a schedule. 

  • Get ready as if they were planning on coming to school.

  • Create a workspace free from distractions and large enough to hold a computer, text books, binders, pens/pencils, calculators, etc.

  • Print a copy of the WCA green/blue calendar and hang it up near their workspace.  

  • Use a planner or organizational tool to track due dates, Zoom meeting times, and assignments. (Tip: use the reminder app on your phone, or try iHomework)

  • Prioritize work and start on assignments early to avoid procrastinating.

  • Ask for help when needed.  Teachers, counselors, and administrators are here to support students!

  • Remember to take mental breaks.  Go outside, grab a snack, walk the dog, listen to music, draw, or take a short bike ride. 

Ms. Seneca's Counseling Corner.png