Virtual College Counselors Webinar & Classroom Visits

Webinar: Finishing the College Process: Deciding on a College, Final Steps, and Negotiating Financial Aid, Monday, 2/13 @ 6:00 p.m.

This month's webinar is for seniors who are reaching the end of their college decision process. After a student has applied and received admission to their chosen colleges and universities, what's next? We will focus on making sure that students and families have strategies to compare choices, explore possible avenues for negotiating financial aid awards, and provide an overview of what happens next after a student has chosen to enroll at a college or university.

Junior Class In-Person Visits: How to Research and Build a Balanced College List, 2/15 and 2/16

This month we are taking the concept of "college fit" and using it to provide tools and strategies for students to independently research colleges and build a balanced college list for application in the fall. By the end of the class, students should feel equipped to effectively and efficiently identify colleges that match their "college fit formula".