Required Opt-In Form to Access College Board Services

Over the next few days, you should receive a hard copy of your student’s Horizon Practice Test results in the mail.  Enclosed with the results is this letter about recent changes to the College Board Big Future College and Career Planning site. WCA students use this site for college and career planning and to access their PSAT/SAT results.  

In previous years, the College Board used an “opt-out” system, but this year, parents need to opt in for their students to access these resources.

There are two options for completing this form. 

  • Sign and return the Student Consent Form that was mailed home. Students should return it to the high school’s main office as soon as possible.


  • Complete this Opt-In Google Form as soon as possible.

Your student will not be permitted to participate in these college planning activities or receive information from the College Board Big Future college connection program if a paper or online consent form is not completed. For more information about the Big Future College and Career Planning, click here.

Please reach out to if you have any questions.