Safe2Tell Program


This week in Advisory Class, students received information about Safe2Tell. Safe2Tell is an organization that was created to help make schools and communities safer by offering a way for people to make anonymous reports of dangerous and concerning behaviors. The program was developed specifically to encourage and empower bystanders when they have a concern about their safety or the safety of others. 

WCA students were reminded that Safe2Tell is not to be used for pranks or hang-up calls. Students were also encouraged to report important incidences and that “telling” is not “snitching or tattling”. By contacting Safe2Tell, students can potentially save lives!

Anonymous reports to Safe2Tell can be made by:

  • Visiting

  • Using the Safe2Tell CO app

  • Calling 1-877-542-7233

For more information on student support services, please visit Mrs. Bratton’s counseling webpage.

Mrs. Bratton's Counseling Corner.png