Core Knowledge Showcase

This year all students will be scheduled into a Multimedia Literacy elective, where they will focus on Core Knowledge content.  The culminating event will be a Core Knowledge Showcase, where students will share their projects and celebrate their learning over the quarter.  Families are encouraged to attend this event to view their students' work!  The Core Knowledge Showcase for 1st quarter will be October 7th, from 1:15 to 3:05 p.m.  Eighth grade projects will be displayed in the gymnasium.  Sixth grade projects will be displayed on the soccer field.

Please note the Seventh Grade Core Knowledge Showcase has been moved to Thursday, October 14th from 1:15 to 3:05 p.m. in the Media Center.

Please plan on arriving early and check in through the front office with a photo ID. All visitors on campus during the school day will need a current CBI Background Check Authorization on file. Background checks are good for 4 years. If your background check has expired, please complete a CBI Background Check Authorization 48-hours prior to visiting our buildings.