Theater Club

All middle school students are welcome to join our Theater Club! This year, our fall musical is a modern-day telling of “The Grinch.” The musical "The Grunch" tells the story of Rudy Grunch, a grumpy middle schooler who always feels like an outsider. When the entire school gets excited about the annual school musical, Rudy comes up with a perfect plan to ruin it for everyone; he’ll steal the sets, costumes, and lights the night before it opens. But will the spirit of theatre prevail?

Grades: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders

Registration Cap: None

Practice Dates: Theater Club will meet every Monday and Thursday from October 4th through December 4th.

Meeting Times: 3:15 - 5:15 p.m.

Location: Room 133

Rehearsals & Final Performance: TBD

Cost: $25

Contact: Please contact Ms. Bauer for more information!

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