Counselor Corner: Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Taking care of our mental health is important – for kids and adults! Here’s some information about mental health and how you can support your child’s mental well-being. 

Mental Health vs. Mental Illness- These two terms are often used to describe the same thing but have different meanings. 

Mental Health: 

  • The state of your mental and emotional well-being

  • How well you are able to handle the demands and challenges of life, your relationships with others, and your view of yourself. 

Mental Illness: 

  • According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, or mood.

  • Mental illnesses can vary and may or may not affect a person's functioning 

How Kids Can Improve Mental Health:

  • Spend time in nature 

  • Spend time with loved ones

  • Do an activity they enjoy 

  • Exercise

  • Do something to help someone  

  • Get enough sleep

  • Try something new

  • Limit time spent on technology 

How You Can Help:

  • Listen to your child – to the big things and the small things

  • Do something together that your child enjoys 

  • Set and enforce boundaries around technology

  • Give your child meaningful praise

  • Don’t be afraid to seek professional help 

Warning Signs to Look For:

  • Sudden changes in weight or appetite

  • Complaints of stomachache 

  • Changes in sleeping habits 

  • Becoming more isolated 

  • Difficulty concentrating 

I hope everyone has a great summer! See you in August!