Hello, and welcome back! I hope that everyone had a relaxing summer break. For those families who are new to WCA, I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mrs. Boyes, and I am the middle school counselor. I have been a Colorado resident for most of my life and have been lucky to be part of the WCA family for the last five years. One of my greatest joys is serving as a middle school counselor. In my free time, I love spending time with my three daughters and husband, as well as running!
I am here to support our outstanding Windsor Charter Academy students and their families. I provide individual and small-group counseling, host lunch groups, and am the 504 Plan coordinator. In addition, I provide classroom advisory lessons. Over the next several weeks, your students will discuss and review the 8 Keys of Excellence, engage in various team-building activities, set SMART goals, and practice how we treat one another.
Our team works hard to ensure all students feel like they belong and are part of our school family. We will continue our cross-grade-level support program, WCA Crews, as we have seen success with this program over the last two years. If your student has returned to WCA, they will continue with the same Crew. If your student is new to our school, they are now part of a “crew,” where they will remain for their time in middle school. Ask your student about this experience, which will take place in the next few weeks!
If you would like support for your child’s social-emotional needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at lydia.boyes@windsorcharteracademy.org. I look forward to another great year!