Titus K. was nominated by the WCA Middle School Symphonic Band for outstanding musicianship, playing ability, and leadership qualities! Based on his nomination, he was selected to participate in an all-day band festival for the Combined League Middle School Honor Bands.
Yearbooks are On Sale Now
Registration for the 2022-23 School Year
8th Grade Continuation Photos Needed
Student Data from iReady Testing
3rd Quarter Schedules
Recording Available: High School Parent Information Night for 8th Grade Families
Thank you to our 8th grade families for joining us for our HS Parent Information Webinar! The full recording can be found at this YouTube link.
Spirit Days on December 10th and 14th
Core Knowledge Showcase
This year all students will be scheduled into a Multimedia Literacy elective where they will focus on Core Knowledge content. The culminating event will be a Core Knowledge Showcase, where students will share their projects and celebrate their learning over the quarter. Families are encouraged to attend this event to view their students' work!
Middle School Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
High School Parent Information Night for 8th Grade Families
All current 8th grade students and their families are invited to attend our High School Parent Information Night on Tuesday, December 7th at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Finals Week Schedule: Early Release on December 15th & 16th
Mrs. Bratton's Counselor Corner: World Kindness Day
This Saturday, November 13th is World Kindness Day! Learn more about World Kindness Day at InspireKindness.com. In this season of gratitude, practicing kindness for yourself and others can help build an attitude of gratitude