*Please disregard this notice if you have already submitted your Parent Agreement Form. Each year, we ask our families to complete our Parent Agreement Forms. Our Parent Agreement Form includes our Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement, Student Data Privacy Policy, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and our Code of Conduct.
WCA Weather Station
Pick-Up and Driveline Process Reminders
Part-Time Position Openings for Food Services
King Soopers Community Rewards Program: Set Up an Account in 2 Minutes!
Resources, Workload, and Tips for In-Person Hybrid Learners (Group A and B)
Zoom and Attendance for In-Person Hybrid Learners (Group A and B)
Registration and Course Fees
The Dean's Corner - A Message from Ms. Yost
Chromebooks & Technology Insurance
Face Coverings
Fuzzy's Taco Shop Fundraiser for VEX Robotics
When to Stay Home Sick
8th Grade Continuation Ceremony
Coca-Cola Give School Rewards Program
We are excited to announce that our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program! This program opens up Windsor Charter Academy to new opportunities to help fund enrichment programs at our school.
Spirit Week: March 9th - 13th
Roaring '20s Dance and a Call for Chaperones
Let’s party like it's 1920! Our middle school spring dance is on Friday, March 13th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the gymnasium. The dance costs $5, and students can buy tickets at the door or at lunch the week of the dance. We are in need of adult helpers to chaperone the dance and help with snacks, drinks, and supervision.
Theater Performance DVDs on Sale
Sources of Strength Mental Health Lunch-and-Learn
The WCA Safety Committee is hosting a Mental Health and Sources of Strength Parent Lunch-and-Learn on Thursday, March 19th from 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 pm. in the high school STEM Lab. This event is part of our Safety Committee’s monthly parent information seminar series, focusing on a variety of safety topics.