2021-2022 MS & HS Cheer Team Tryouts Open to Current 5th - 11th Graders


Tryout Clinic

On May 5th, 6th, and 7th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. students in grades 5 - 11 will have the opportunity to participate in a Cheer Tryout Clinic. This clinic will be held at the MS/HS gymnasium. There is no cost to attend this clinic but if a student commits to participating, they are asked to attend all days of the clinic. 

Official tryouts will occur on Saturday, May 8th. Registration for tryouts will begin at 9:00 a.m. and judging will begin at 10:00 a.m. Tryouts will be held at the MS/HS gymnasium.

At both of these events, students will need to wear comfortable athletic clothing, tennis shoes, and bring a water bottle. Hair must be pulled back. A mask must be worn at all times.

Team Selection

After tryouts on May 8th, middle and high school students and their families will be notified if they made the team. For those who made the team, there will be a mandatory 2021-2022 Cheer Team Parent Meeting held on Monday, May 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the MS Commons. Students will be able to meet the new cheer team! Students will also receive YouTube links for cheer tutorials, summer and fall schedules, fundraising information, a copy of the Cheer Constitution, and more. For questions, please contact Coach Suzie.