Ms. Seneca's Counselor Corner: Coping with Stress

Coping with Stress

Coping with stress in healthy ways is a topic that Ms. Seneca, our high school counselor, talks to students about on a daily basis.  For parents, it can be challenging to determine if a child is coping well with stress or if there is a more serious mental health concern such as depression or anxiety. 

Mental Health First Aid USA identifies a list of signs/symptoms that could indicate your child may be experiencing a serious mental health concern:

  •  An unusually persistent sad mood

  • Loss of enjoyment and interest in activities that were previously enjoyable

  • Lack of energy and tiredness

  • Thinking about death or wishing to be dead

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Having sleep difficulties or sleeping too much

  • Loss of interest in food or a change in eating habits

  • Withdrawing more from family, or spending more time in their bedroom

  • Snapping, behaving irritably, or picking fights with parents or siblings

  • Avoid spending time with friends altogether

  • Spend more time with friends who appear to be depressed as well

  • Use alcohol or other drugs to deal with emotional symptoms

  • Engaging in self-injury/self-harm




Weekly Lunch Group

Ms. Seneca is inviting students to join her student lunch group every Tuesday in room 193. All students should feel a sense of belonging! Students can join the group each week to laugh, eat, and enjoy good conversation.

Ms. Seneca is committed to ensuring that all students are emotionally supported. If a student is in need of support, there are several ways to connect with Ms. Seneca:

  • Stop by the front office during school hours and request a visit.

  • Email Ms. Seneca directly to schedule a time to meet.

  • Call Ms. Seneca (970) 833-5190 x207.