
Administering Medications

Many students have chronic or acute health concerns that require medications to be administered during the school day. Windsor Charter Academy has different requirements for student medications based on primary (elementary) and secondary (middle/high) education levels.

Medications for elementary students will be stored in the school health office and administered by school staff, unless otherwise negotiated by the school nurse, parents, and the healthcare provider. Parents must complete a WCA Medication Administration Form. If your student has asthma, diabetes, allergies, or a seizure disorder, please refer to those tabs on this web page for the appropriate forms.

Middle and high school students may now possess and self-administer over-the-counter prescription medications prescribed to them WITHOUT a provider order written for the school. Students may only possess a sufficient dosage of a medication to treat their medical condition for a single day. Prescription medications for ADHD/ADD, controlled substances, or other medications with a street value MAY NOT be self administered; these types of medications must be safely stored in the health office and administered by school staff. Parents must notify the health office of any medications their student will be carrying at school via the Notification of Self-Carry Medication Form. If your middle or high school student's medication will need to be administered by school staff, you WILL need to complete a WCA Medication Administration Form. Permission to possess and self administer medications may be restricted by school administration if it is determined there is a risk of harm to students.

Please refer to the WCA School Board Policy, Administering Medicines to Students (JLCD) for more detailed information.  

Administering Medications to Students During Non-School Hours

The administration of medication during non-school hours will depend on the type of activity and whether the activity requires pre-registration. All required activities that occur during non-school hours and field trips, and to the extent possible, many non-required special activities/events, including but not limited to, athletics, and pre-registered school sponsored clubs and events, will have medication administration available either by the School Nurse or her/his delegate. Unfortunately, due to the nature of some events, including drop-in activities, small group activities, school dances, or other events, it is not possible for WCA to have a staff member available that is trained to administer medications. If your student requires the administration of medications outside of school hours, it is your responsibility to notify the WCA School Nurse Consultant and provide the required documentation and authorization needed.  Each non-school hours activity may require a separate authorization. It is the goal of WCA to ensure that all students have access to as many non-school hour events as they choose to participate in. WCA encourages the parents of students that may be impacted by this policy to communicate with the WCA School Nurse in advance so that WCA can understand the student's need. Parents are always welcome to drop in to any school sponsored events to administer the student's medication.

Administering Medical Marijuana at School

The Windsor Charter Academy Executive Board decided not to comply with the requirement C.R.S. 22-1-119.3(3)(d)(V) regarding administration of medical marijuana at school. Policy JLCDB: Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students is the policy that is currently in place at our schools.

Non-School Sponsored Events

Non-School Sponsored Events may be hosted on school grounds, but are run by an outside organization or individual. No WCA -staff will be available to tend to health care needs or administer medications. Parents are always welcome to drop in to non-school sponsored events to administer the student's medication.