Due to COVID-19, we are asking all families to check our webpage frequently for updates to menu items. Online families (Calvert, Courseware, and EdOptions families) can sign sign up for weekly meal packages.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
October Student Count
Each year, Colorado state public schools participate in the October Student Count as required by the Colorado Department of Education. The purpose of this count is to determine an official number of students enrolled in each school. This year, the count will occur from September 24th through October 8th. Our school receives state funding based on the number of students present during this time period.
School Pictures, Student IDs, and Lanyards
Picture Retake Day
Next Week: Modified Schedule for In-Person Hybrid Learners (Group B)
Due to the WCA Teacher Professional Development Day on Friday, September 18th, our Group B schedule will be modified. In-person hybrid learners in Group B will be in the building on Wednesday, September 16th and Thursday, September 17th. Wednesday will be a navy day and Thursday will be a green day.
Face Coverings
Catch-Up Days for School Assignments
Education Committee
The WCA Education Committee serves to strengthen the overall educational program of our schools. This committee assists the administrator and teachers in providing all WCA students with the highest quality educational program possible by researching new and existing curricular and instructional approaches and evaluating and synthesizing information.
Required: Parent Agreement Forms
*Please disregard this notice if you have already submitted your Parent Agreement Form. Each year, we ask our families to complete our Parent Agreement Forms. Our Parent Agreement Form includes our Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement, Student Data Privacy Policy, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and our Code of Conduct.