The University of Northern Colorado (UNC) Math Contest is open to any middle or high school student interested in math! The first round of questions is sent to Windsor Charter Academy from UNC and administered in-house at WCA during a 2-day window. This is scheduled for Thursday, October 26th or Friday, October 27th.
iReady Student Data
CSU Spark Innovation Conference
MS Fall Music Concert
Picture Retake Day
Counselor Corner: Sources of Strength
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Scholastic Book Fair
Join us for our middle and high school Scholastic Book Fair! The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the MS/HS Media Center from Wednesday, October 11th through Friday, October 13th. The Book Fair will be open before school, during lunch, and after school until 4:00 p.m.
7th Grade Vision & Hearing Screening - Volunteers Needed
Donations for Sources of Strength
Our Sources of Strength (SOS) team is preparing to celebrate a year of spreading positivity across our middle school! If you would like to contribute funds or donations of food items such as fruit snacks, popcorn, Jolly Ranchers, and sugar-free drinks like water or soda water, please contact Mrs. Seneca
Middle School Dance
Our first middle school dance will be on Friday, September 29th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.! Tickets will be sold for $5.00 (cash only). Students will be allowed to change after school and should follow the “casual dance” guidelines in the Dress Code Policy.