National Honor Society Service Project: Marshall Fire Relief

Written By: Kaylee Weickert, WCA NHS Secretary of Public Relations (Newsletter Committee)

Marshall Fire Relief
The National Honors Society Public Relations Committee is excited to begin our Individual Service Project highlights! Every two weeks, we will be releasing articles in The Firebird Word and on the NHS website to showcase some of our most impactful service projects that are being completed this semester!

The first project that we will be highlighting is the Marshall Fire Relief project happening within WCA. Established by members Hannah G. and Gia S., the Marshall Fire Relief is a donation service that will be occurring at the WCA elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the months of February and March.

After talking to Hannah G., we were able to learn about the heartwarming purpose of this project, which is “to help raise awareness as well as supplies to help the victims of the Marshall Fire going on for our NHS service project. We want to provide relief to those who have lost a lot in fires and don't have enough support right now. By doing this project, people will feel relieved and able to worry about more important things than clothes, food items, and toiletries.” What a great way to help out those in need, Hannah and Gia!

If you would like to support these two amazing students with their project, feel free to bring in any of the items listed below to elementary, middle, or high schools. Thank you for all of your support, Firebird Families!