QPR Suicide Prevention Certification - A Webinar

Each year, Windsor Charter Academy’s Safety Committee hosts a series of parent seminars related to student and school safety. Seminar topics range from cyber safety, vaping and drug use, school security programs, peer issues, counseling support, and parenting philosophies. These seminars are open to all Windsor Charter Academy parents and students, as well as the general public! 

QPR Suicide Prevention Certification - A Webinar
When: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
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Question. Persuade. Refer. (QPR)
QPR Suicide Prevention Certification provides basic-level suicide prevention information, outreach, and education that holds the same weight as a CPR certification. This 60-minute presentation details how to ask for and give help and where to find referral information. The presentation will also include a booklet, a tear-our reference card, and a nationally-recognized certification.